Tucson Indian Jewelry is TEMPORARILY CLOSED. You will be able to browse the jewelry selection, but purchasing items is disabled. We will re-open the shop on Jan 31, at which time you will be able to make purchases. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Great design matches squash blossom that we have sold.
- In scouring the internet, these are very rare!
- Sensa Eustace, Zuni, was the daughter of Blake and Velma Lesansee, and the aunt of Daryl Shack, Sr. and the great aunt of Daryl Shack, Jr.
- She originated the bee and dragonfly and firefly in her own jewelry and also in her parents Velma and Blakeβs jewelry.
- The legs on one earring has stamp work, the other earring does not.
Excellent Vintage as pictured
Length of Earrings
1-3/8″ long, 1β³ wide at the widest point
Sterling Silver, Mediterranean Coral, Tortoise Shell, Abalone, and Mother of Pearl.
Weight in grams
Artist’s Identity
Attributed to Sensa Eustace, Zuni Silversmith |