First of all, below are advertisements from a brochure we purchase at a local thrift shop in Tucson, Arizona. Consequently, it dates to 1963 and is by the Southwestern Association of Indian Affairs, Inc. Most noteworthy, this brochure features advertisements from our neighborhood here in the Southwest: Tucson Arizona, Scottsdale Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Most relevant, this brochure is typeset by hand, before the advantages of computers. As a result, graphic artists create these advertisements are created by graphic artists, who capture the vision of the retailers. Finally, this was the beginning of the golden age of Native American Indian Jewelry, which lasts well into the mid 1970’s. Most notably, this jewelry is popular again! Tucson Indian Jewelry stores, Scottsdale Indian Jewelry stores, and Santa Fe Indian jewelry stores are thriving! In the foreground, Southwestern Association of Indian Affairs Copyright 1963. Most importantly, this organization is now SWAIA and is very active. Consequently, to learn more about SWAIA history, please click HERE!

Secondly, House of The Six Directions Indian Applied Arts offers reservation arts and crafts, pre-historic and historic collector’s items of the Southwest and Pre-Columbian material.

Thirdly, Marie and her son Popovi Da Studio of Indian Arts and Crafts offer jewelry, rugs, pottery and baskets. Most notably, they are in both San IIdefonso Pueblo and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Next, Packard’s Chaparral Indian Trading Co. Across from La Fonda West Santa Fe, New Mexico Distinctive Handcraft Indian Arts. Most importantly, they are a Bonded Member United Indian Traders Association (UITA #12)

As above, Inter-tribal Indian Ceremonial Gallup, New Mexico. Moreover, this event offers dances, sports, parades, and an exhibit hall. In addition, “By its emphasis on Indian craft in its Annual Exhibit Hall, the Indian Ceremonial has been largely responsible for the ever increasing standards of quality of Indian craftsmen. Also, an ever widening appreciation of the beauty and worth of good Indian craftsmanship and art among the Indian people.”

Uniquely, “Only the old and new Indian Crafts” / Taos Music Center offers authentic Indian records of the Pueblos and Plains / Sagebrush Inn / Taos New Mexico

Equally important, Frank Patania Thunderbird Shop “The Mark of Excellent Design and Craftsmanship in Silver for over 35 years. Correspondingly, On the Plaza Santa Fe, New Mexico and Arizona Land Title Bldg., Tucson Arizona

Additionally, Woodard’s Indian Arts “Authentic Navajo and Pueblo Crafts: Paintings, Museum, Craftsmen at Work” Additionally, an outstanding Crafts Center also in Tucson at 425 West Miracle Mile

Uniquely, La Posada Inn Santa Fe Accommodations to suit your Southwestern Holiday: Excellent Food served Indoors or Out, Swimming, Cocktail Lounge. / Tom Bahti . . . Fine Indian Arts and Crafts 1760 E. Speedway Tucson, Arizona
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